The Art Of Noise · The Seduction Of Claude Debussy

  1. il pleure (at the turn of the century) 8:02
  2. born on a sunday 4:40
  3. dreaming in colour 6:42
  4. on being blue 4:58
  5. continued in colour 1:20
  6. rapt: in the evening air 4:22
  7. mtaforce 3:44
  8. the holy egoism of genius 7:57
  9. la flute de pan 2:45
 10. metaphor on the floor 2:06
 11. approximate mood swing no:2 2:15
 12. pause 2:30
 13. out of this world (version 138) 5:25

 Jahr: 1999
 Zeit (Mi:Se): 56:46

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